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The #1 policy analysis and monitoring system for Congress

Save time and get back to what’s really important without the fear of missing something critical with CQ’s news & analysis.

Stay on top of the policy news, hearings, bills, votes, and amendments that matter with the best Capitol Hill tracking system available.

Full Coverage of the House and Senate

Stay ahead of the curve with daily, real-time updates from the House and Senate floors so that you can plan for your day and week ahead.

Stay in the Know

When you can’t be in the room, trust CQ to deliver a full-markup of all the happenings in committee and subcommittee meetings, all within 24 hours.

Discover and Track

Our precision alerts are laser-focused to deliver the exact legislative updates you’re after, making sure you never miss a thing.

The Data You Need

Access the most comprehensive collection of government documents available, including other hard-to-find government reports.

Get access to the fastest transcript
delivery on the market

Our AI-generated transcripts of every congressional hearing are available within 60 minutes of an event.

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The award-winning, nonpartisan intel you can trust. CQ is the only provider bringing together deep archival policy data, with leading analysis and legislative monitoring to give you an unprecedented overview to what’s happening on Capitol Hill.

Request a demo today to see why 1000s of organizations, federal agencies, and all of Congress has relied on CQ for 75+ years.


Legislative tracking


Policy news & analysis


Real-time alerts


The fastest transcripts available